Monthly Archives: May 2014

Are you living in PAST…!

I always think ..What is the “The MOST” important things in life..?Is it the money.!! or the Great Power created by people around us..! or the People around us who cares about us..values our thoughts, exchanged the thoughts as well..! This is what i am seeing around me ,around the world and this is not unknown fact. These thoughts are coming from the ancient time.There is very famous quotes :

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”


One of the biggest truth of life..! 🙂  So the life which we are living currently is what called the journey of the life and this is all what we have..! So its on us to set the priorities in life and set the path of life. Whether we want to chase the materialistic things or wanted to chase our own dream..our own passion..! And to achieve all this..again to set the priorities and path..! Take responsibility for our own  choices. Don’t put the blame on anything or anyone else, not even our past. We can’t change the past and we can’t control other people. We can control how we respond and what we do next. Today is a new day. Start fresh by accepting responsibility for own choices and how they shape our life’s journey. We can change our life for the better by making a series of good choices over time. Now may be a good time to start the change. It’s all up to us.

Life is like a Tree..!
Life is like a Tree..!

Our life’s journey flows like the cycles of a tree. A tree changes from green leaves and flowers to bare branches then back to green leaves and flowers. With the right care, it can produce magnificent foliage yet it may still need a dormant period. How well we tend to our inner being, feed it with good thoughts and keep hope in our heart determines how well we weather life’s storms. We also need a dormant period to re-energize ourselves so we can achieve our full potential.We grow our tree of life through the path we take. Each branch we grow becomes a path that defines our life’s journey. The tree we see is the life we have grown based on all our choices big and small. If the branch we are on is not where we want to be, grow a new branch and create a better tree for our self.

As we take back each moment we find we gain time, as time is no longer lost in the washing machine of thoughts in our minds.Mindfulness brings us a sense of peace and calm as we resist getting caught up in the ‘monkey mind’ of swinging from past to future, only passing through the present if we touch base with it at all.

So where do you tend to live?

Some people live in the past. As human beings this has been a survival skill, to remember past events. It is what has kept us safe, knowing where danger previously hid.So what you are going  to choose..materialistic things or  the human touch or Still living in past??
